Fairburn School


We welcome you queries around enrolling your child at Fairburn School

When to enrol your child

Your child can start school anytime between the ages of 5 and 6. Most parents start their children when they turn 5. Once they turn 6 they must be enrolled and attend a school or every day.

Children start at different times throughout the school year, depending on when their birthday is, or when it suits you. 

documents for enrolling

  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate 
  • a copy of their immunisation certificate 
  • medical information including your doctor’s contact details
  • any legal documents, for example custody or access agreements the school should know about
  • if you child has been enrolled in early childhood education, their National Student Number (NSN), and ECE leaver’s record
  • contact details – your family phone numbers and address and someone the school can call in an emergency if they can’t get hold of you.

For further information....

Please contact our school office on 09 270 1130 or info@fairburn.school.nz